» Read Online Lo mejor de ti Become a Better You Siete pasos hacia la grandeza interior Spanish Edition Joel Osteen 9781416541479 Books
Bryan Richards on Monday, 29 April 2019
Read Online Lo mejor de ti Become a Better You Siete pasos hacia la grandeza interior Spanish Edition Joel Osteen 9781416541479 Books

Product details - Paperback 400 pages
- Publisher Howard Books; Abridged edition (October 15, 2007)
- Language Spanish
- ISBN-10 1416541470

Lo mejor de ti Become a Better You Siete pasos hacia la grandeza interior Spanish Edition Joel Osteen 9781416541479 Books Reviews
- As a native english speaker, I purchased this CD to help brush up on my spanish and get the native accent, Unfortunately, when following the book I was disappointed to learn that a lot of the content had been dropped. Compare the book Lo Mejor De Ti and the english Become A Better You to this CD and you will see that about 50 percent of the book content had been dropped, thus leaving me shortchanged on the purchase. A rather dirty trick! Im sure no one expected a serious spanish student to compare this CD to the book, but behold, someone did! Any CD bearing the same name, the same face, and the same title should be equivelent to the same book, Missing 50% (or more) of the overall content is unacceptable! I wonder if a lawsuit is in order.
Not a total loss, but clearly not what I paid for. The content loss was staggering! No one should ever be expected to pay for a full product only to receive half. Wouldnt you agree? - I was going to some harsh times and this inspiration has really motivated me to get up and keep my joy, no matter what, we're living some hard days, with lay offs, foreclosures and the possibility of the planet destruction, but we can change all of this by just changing the way we walk around this life.
I remember this movie I saw and some people where in a cabin in a very peaceful town, and they went to town for a reunion and they needed to go back to the cabin so one guy says take my vehicle, the keys are on, and they say, do you leave the keys on? yes of course, so that if anyone in town needs it they can use it, don't you people do it like that in Chicago? imagine if we could all live like that, how idillic, but possible? it's up to us. - Este fue el primer libro que yo lei Te Joel Osteen y ya he regalao 4 a Mis amistades yo lo recomiendo Es la mejor guia Espiritual que puedes encontrar, Te acercas a DIOS de una manera increible este libro me Cambio la vida por completo. ðŸ‘
- Totalmente recomendable.Es un placer leer y recomendar éste libro.
Tu vida no será la misma luego de leerlo.
¿Estás algo estancado en tu vida, te falta un empujón, alguien que te sacuda un poco,que encienda nuevamente el motor de la pasión para alcanzar tus sueños ? Entonces debes leer éste libro URGENTE!! - He's a good man and great writer. Recommend!
- Este autor es magnifico. Nos habla sobre la fe. Nos ayuda a reafirmar nuestro autoestima y a esperar mas de dios. El tiene cosas maravillosas para nuestro futuro. Solo debemos confiar y esperar en el.
- A must !
- un super libro, yo jamas veia los programas de pastores en la TV, pero cuando vi a Osteen, inmediatamente pense en comprar el libro.