» Read Online Be Your Downfall Be Yours Trilogy Lizzie Fox 9781731192912 Books
Bryan Richards on Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Read Online Be Your Downfall Be Yours Trilogy Lizzie Fox 9781731192912 Books

Product details - Series Be Yours Trilogy (Book 1)
- Paperback 310 pages
- Publisher Independently published (December 31, 2018)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1731192916

Be Your Downfall Be Yours Trilogy Lizzie Fox 9781731192912 Books Reviews
- This book omg this book was freaking amazing!
I absolutely loved the way it sucked me in before I had even finished the first paragraph and it wouldn’t release me until I had gotten to the end of the story.
The MCs were all the amazing blend of strong but very vulnerable, they both struggled with their demons but they wouldn’t let their demons win they kept fighting them even when they both wanted to stop fighting.
This book hit manic bipolar disorder and the constant struggles one has when they are battling it, the constant highs and constant lows.
Seth and Jessalie’s story was raw, a little dark, brutal but oh so beautiful, so beautiful that I can not wait until the next book of their story because I want to know what else happens them!
Lizzie Fox aka Sariah Skye created an amazing masterpiece that I absolutely fell in love with.
So yes I most definitely do recommend this book to anyone who’s searching for a beautiful story to get lost within.
But fair warning there are some scenes that aren’t for the faint of heart. - Lots of emotion! This book has a lot of feels, a lot of ups and downs. The ups are so touching, and the downs are heartwrenching. But it is definitely worth it! The reader really feels what the character's are going through. Fox (aka Skye) does an exemplary job of bringing the pain associated with mental illness alive for both the sufferer and those who care for the sufferer. It's not a topic avidly discussed, but it is one that should not be shied away from. I think this story does a wonderful job of shedding light where others might gloss over. The characters are realistic; neither MC is perfect. Aside from the obvious, they both have insecurities and pasts, and it affects their actions, feelings, thoughts, and more. They really come alive and develop progressively throughout the story. Very well done. I'm certainly looking forward to the next book.
- Coming from a family with mental illness, this book has touched some aspects that I had experienced. I can relate and feel the pain Seth was going through. The story had me enthralled from beginning to end as well as feeling all the love, frustration and desperation of the characters. There wasn't a moment I was emotionally invested. I love reading books like Be Your Downfall, where you can feel the author's passion for the story they are writing.
- This was a really good start to this trilogy....I think these two have a very difficult road to travel with lots of ups and downs. I guess we'll find out more in book two. Tate is kind of twisted to me. I mean what were the odds that jesselie would find two men whom were bipolar??
Thanks Jamie Nibarger Ellis - I was stuck on an RH for awhile until I got this book! OMG, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Seth is such a sweet heart, and Jessalie is such strong person. I just love them both so much!
- What an utterly spectacular start to this trilogy. I'm still reeling from the emotions throughout this story. Jessie and Seth are two of the strongest most detailed characters I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Their story is heartbreaking but also has so much hope and love especially with the things they each have to deal with on a daily basis. Extreme loss, feelings of inadequacy and mental illness and how each character, the MCs and the support characters, deal with all the emotions and the ups and downs of mania. So many of the different aspects of this story are relatable to so many people and it showed a lot of emotions and ways that people cope associated with mental illness. This book is so well written it is like you are there living right beside them. I absolutely can not say enough about this book and how it makes you feel everything. I am still reeling. I can not wait to read more of Jessie and Seth's story, I need to see where this story is going to go. This book is a absolute MUST READ in my book!
- Be Your Downfall was raw, emotional and had me hooked from the first page. Jessie and Seth both have troubled pasts but they are determined not to lead them into a troubled future. This doesn't mean they don't face challenges - because oh they do! Jessie and Seth grow as characters throughout the book and I can't wait to see how they develop in the second book. The other characters are also so much fun, especially Shane! The book focuses on tough topics such as mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, self-harm, suicide and abuse, but it does it is a way that's real and vulnerable. Definitely worth the read.
- Amazing!! This book was too good for words. I was completely drawn into Jessie and Seth's story. There is so much emotion. I was on a roller coaster and couldn't stop reading. Both Jessie and Seth are fighting their own demons. The question is will they be able to fight them together. Each of the characters are extremely well written. There is a lot of depth to the story. I am anxiously waiting for more of their story.