PDF La Reine Etranglée Les rois maudits 2 Maurice Druon 9782253003069 Books
Les Rois maudits, célèbre fresque historique en sept volumes
1. Le Roi de fer. 2. La Reine étranglée. 3. Les Poisons de la Couronne.
4. La Loi des mâles. 5. La Louve de France. 6. Le Lis et le Lion.
7. Quand un roi perd la France, font revivre le xive siècle, entre
le procès des Templiers et les débuts de la guerre de Cent Ans. Traduits dans le monde entier, Les Rois maudits ont remporté un succès exceptionnel et sont considérés comme un des modèles contemporains du roman historique.
Faisant suite au Roi de fer, La Reine étranglée commence au lendemain mème de la mort de Philippe le Bel. Un prince de faible caractère, Louis X le Hutin, dont l'épouse, Marguerite de Bourgogne, est emprisonnée pour adultère, succède à un monarque exceptionnel.
Tandis que la Chrétienté attend un pape et que le peuple meurt de faim, les rivalités, les intrigues, les complots vont déchirer la cour de France et conduire barons, prélats, banquiers, et le roi lui-mème, au fond d'une impasse dont ils ne pourront sortir que par le crime.
PDF La Reine Etranglée Les rois maudits 2 Maurice Druon 9782253003069 Books
"This is a great way to practice my French. It was an incredible time about which I know so little. It is written by a French historian with academic creeds, although clearly some creative writing is involved. There is a fascinating discussion of the period transitioning from feudal society to the modern nation state as well as more tabloid events. I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
Along with the Merle novels about a slightly later period, this gives so much perspective on how different life is now. Nobody gives consideration to how defensible their property should marauding hordes come by."
Product details
Tags : La Reine Etranglée- Les rois maudits 2 [Maurice Druon] on . Les Rois maudits</i>, célèbre fresque historique en sept volumes <br/>1. Le Roi de fer. 2. La Reine étranglée. 3. Les Poisons de la Couronne.<br/>4. La Loi des mâles. 5. La Louve de France. 6. Le Lis et le Lion.<br/>7. Quand un roi perd la France,Maurice Druon,La Reine Etranglée- Les rois maudits 2,Distribooks Inc,2253003069,General,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General,Biography / Autobiography,Fiction,Fiction / General,Modern contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Modern fiction
La Reine Etranglée Les rois maudits 2 Maurice Druon 9782253003069 Books Reviews :
La Reine Etranglée Les rois maudits 2 Maurice Druon 9782253003069 Books Reviews
- This is a great way to practice my French. It was an incredible time about which I know so little. It is written by a French historian with academic creeds, although clearly some creative writing is involved. There is a fascinating discussion of the period transitioning from feudal society to the modern nation state as well as more tabloid events. I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
Along with the Merle novels about a slightly later period, this gives so much perspective on how different life is now. Nobody gives consideration to how defensible their property should marauding hordes come by. - The plot moves quickly from one royal problem to another. Marigny, who appears competent, is out of favor. So he becomes deceitful too. A great cast of historical kings, queens, and advisers, all of them trying to have their own way and none of them having a thought for the French people. What fun!
- It is great to buy in , always good prices and great variety.
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